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Name, Image, & Likeness Vote coming to OHSAA (Ohio) member schools in May...

If you live in Ohio, you may have recently seen where the Ohio High School Athletic Association has approved a few referendums items at their February meeting for an upcoming vote by their membership.

Three of those center around Amateurism, and ultimately, NIL - or - Name, Image, & Likeness.

In November I spoke at the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Directors Conference in Columbus discussing "The New Normal - NIL, Branding, & 6 Need to Knows for High School AD's".

At that time, there were only 3 states that allowed NIL for High School Student athletes. Now that number is up to 6, and more are coming quickly. (

One of the biggest concerns that I've witnessed with NIL is the lack of understanding of what it actually is, and the implications it may have at the high school level.

I'm not here to judge right from wrong, but, I want to HELP educate and facilitate discussions so that when a vote DOES OCCUR... the people voting are well equipped, informed, and empowered to do so in a manner that reflects the best interest of their district.

This morning I wrote a "guide" as I'll call it to hopefully be a starting point to help school administrators consider questions specifically in regards to Ohio.

You can look at that by clicking here --->

This isn't all inclusive by any means, but, it hopefully gets the conversation started, and thoughts going on what strategy is best for the district to pursue in terms of EDUCATION.

If I was a betting person, I'd say this will be here at some point, very soon.

And EDUCATION is going to be key - for everyone involved.... (Admin, Coaches, Parents, Student-Athletes, etc..)

So - if I can help in any way with that, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Dr. Scott Grant



Dr. Scott Grant is a college professor in educational leadership / social media / branding, and founded Triple Threat Leadership, LLC. ( & NIL-Education (

Need resources for Personal Brand Education - check out Dr. Grant's "Branding of ME" course, utilized by over 10,000 students, and integrated into hundreds of school curriculums across the country. Learn more --->

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